I Want A Fun Funeral Blog


Dying with a little levity

Dying with a little levity

    With all the irreverence I can muster… a sampling of some common and not-so-common euphemisms for died. (I hereby grant permission to say I won one for the Reaper when my time comes.) Assumed Room Temperature Ate It Baste The Formaldehyde Turkey Be No...

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Latest Funeral Buzz

Latest Funeral Buzz

“It's not for everyone” — a sentiment that applies to many aspects of I Want a Fun Funeral. In fact, I'm head disclaimer proclaimer. And this may be the shiniest example of that yet: Funeral Homes with Bars. Yep, you read that right, and whether you cringed or did a...

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Warm quilts and memories

Warm quilts and memories

This is a neat idea. 89 year-old grandmother Margaret Hubl of Nebraska was a quilter. (We all know a quilter, don't we?) As one of her granddaughters said, “Never did I imagine how many there were...” Margaret's family decided to put all the quilts out for display, so...

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My best death conversation referral

My best death conversation referral

Today I'm plugging one of my favorite voices in the funeral world these days. Caleb Wilde, a sixth generation funeral director in Chester (my very own) County, PA. He's young, funny, wise, sometimes irreverent and always relevant. Not that he needs more viewers—his...

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